Social Science
The literal meaning of doctoral is to teach. Teaching is the best way to give back to the society. The curious mind needs answers and those answers are only achieved by the research and hard work. The doctoral program serves the curious mind. Research in a particular field, achieving the heights in a topic is what a curious mind deserves. The doctoral program gives students unparalleled expertise in the field of interest. Doctoral study in a field means full immersion in one of the world’s most dynamic and influential intellectual communities. One can aim to change the world through education by expanding opportunity and improving outcomes. There’s no age to get a doctorate. One’s interest can lead him to his path of glory at any age and era.
Course Fee Structure
Course Fee Structure:
For Indian Students | For Foreign Students | |
Entrance Fee | INR 5000.00 | |
1st Year | INR 1,50,000 | |
2nd Year | INR 1,05,000 | |
3rd Year | INR 1,05,000 |
Ph.D Rules & Regulation
Notification for Ph.D. Programme
- The University shall lay-down and decide well in advance on biannual basis, a manageable number of doctoral students depending on the number of available eligible supervisors. The university shall release advertisement regarding admission to the Ph.D. programme.
Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Ph.D. Programme
Following shall be the criteria for admission to the Ph.D. programme in the University:
- The minimum qualifications for admissions to Ph.D. programme shall be a Master’s
Degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade/CGPA in Engineering/ Technology/
Science/ Management / Hotel Management / Pharmacy / Commerce / Law / Education / Social Sciences or any other equivalent Qualification recognised by the University. A relaxation of 5% will be given to candidates as per the reservation policy of state/ central government. - The University shall admit applicants to Ph.D. degree programme through Entrance Test conducted by it.
- Applicants who have qualified UGC/CSIR (JRF) Examination/SLET/GATE or candidate who have passed M.Phil. Programme shall be exempted from the Entrance Test.
Admission Procedure
Following shall be the procedure for admission:
- The applicant should fill application form for admission to Ph.D. Program online or offline and submit with all the desired scanned documents together with fee in the prescribed manner.
- The result of Ph.D. entrance test shall be declared on the University Website.
- Applicants shall be admitted to Ph.D. program after deposition of fees and verification of original documents.
- Reservation rule will be followed as per the Govt. of India / State Government guidelines prevailing at the time of admission.
- Admission in the Phd Program shall be secured on the basis of an Entrance exam conducted by the university or through direct admission on that basis of seats / guide availability.
Duration of the Programme
- Ph.D. programme shall be for a minimum duration of three years, including course work and a maximum of six years.
- The women candidates and persons with disability (More than 40%) may be allowed a relaxation of two years for Ph.D in the maximum duration. In addition, the women candidate may be provided maternity leave/child care leave once in the entire duration of Ph.D for upto 240 days.
- Extension beyond six years could be allowed only after approval of The Vice Chancellor, the extension could be for maximum one year and a fee 50% of the semester or year will be paid by the research scholar to avail the extension.
Constitution and Function of Department Research Committee
There shall be a departmental research committee (DRC) for each department of the University consisting of the following:-
- Dean of the concerned faculty : Chairman
- Head of the concerned department : Convener
- All professors and Associate professors : Members
- Two external experts, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor from the panel proposed by concerned Dean for a period of two years. The DRC may meet as often as necessary in the interest of academic excellence.
- The quorum of the DRC shall be not less than one half of its members.
The DRC shall perform the following functions, namely:-
- to prepare the syllabus for paper of the Entrance Test for Ph.D. programme;
- to interview and suitably allocate supervisors to each eligible applicant;
- to decide whether
- candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research
- the research work can be suitably undertaken at university
- the proposed areas of research can contribute to new/additional knowledge
- to approve the proposed research topic of each applicant finalized by the RAC on the basis of his defending the synopsis;
- to cooperate with Dean Research in the determination of the course content for ‘course work semester’ of Ph.D. Programme;
- to organize open pre Ph.D. presentation for offering feedback and comments;
- to perform such other functions as are required by the Research Board or any authority or any Statute or Ordinance; and
- to monitor the compliance of Progress Reports received through RAC.
Constitution and Function of Research Advisory Committee
There shall be a Research Advisory Committee (RAC) for each research scholar. The Research Advisory Committee shall consist of the following:-
- Research Supervisor of the scholar – Convenor
- Head of the concerned Department – Member
- Two subject experts to be nominated by the President on the recommendation of Supervisor – Members
- The quorum of the RAC shall be not less than one half of its members.
- The RAC shall perform the following functions, namely:-
- To review the research proposal and finalize the topic of research.
- To guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do.
- To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar.
- A research scholar shall appear before the Research Advisory Committee once in six months to make a presentation of the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance. The six monthly progress reports shall be submitted by the Research Advisory Committee to the Dean Research with a copy to the research scholar.
- The department where the scholar pursues his/her research shall prescribe the course(s) to him/her based on the recommendation of the Research Advisory Committee.
- In case the progress of the research scholar is unsatisfactory, the Research Advisory Committee shall record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If the research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the Research Advisory Committee may recommend to the Dean Research through DRC with specific reasons for cancellation of the registration of the research scholar.
Ph.D. Entrance Test
There shall be one session of two hours duration. Applicants will be required to attempt under mentioned one paper:
- An Entrance Test shall be qualifying with qualifying marks as 50%.
- The syllabus of the Entrance Test shall consist of 50% of research methodology and 50% shall be subject specific. The Entrance Test shall be conducted at the Centre(s) notified in advance. An interview/viva-voce to be organized and notify the same to discuss their research interest/area through a presentation before DRC.
- The interview/viva voce
- Applicants shall be short- listed on the basis of merit for the predetermined seats available in each Department/Faculty for Ph.D. programme of the University in an academic session.
- The allocation of the supervisor for a selected applicant shall be decided by the concerned DRC only in a formal manner depending on the number of seats per supervisor, the available specialization among the supervisors, and the research interest of the applicant.
Research Scholar Category
- Full Time Research Scholar: The following category of candidates shall be considered as Full Time Research Scholars:
- Self Financed: This category of candidates will not get any financial support from the university.
- Study Leave: This category refers to candidates employed in any organization/institute and granted Study leave for a minimum period of three years for doing research work at the university.
- Foreign Nationals: These students are admitted through Embassy of the respective government after getting approval from the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Education, Govt. of India.
- Part-Time Research Scholars: The following category of candidates shall be considered as Part-Time Research Scholars.
University Staff:
This category is only for the persons working in the university.
- External/Working Professional: This category includes the candidates employed in any organization / university / college / institute and desirous of pursuing Ph.D. program while in employment of any nature.
Course Work
Each candidate including a part-time candidate after having being admitted, shall be required to undertake course work for a minimum period of one semester. The course work shall be treated as pre-Ph.D. preparation and shall include the following courses:
- Research Methodology : Each Ph.D. candidate will have to undergo one course on Research Methodology which includes quantitative methods and computer applications.
- Literature Review in the domain of Research : This course will be adjudged by submitting a Review article/assignment based on reviewing of at least 50 latest published research articles/work in the relevant research field and a presentation of the same.
- Specialization paper : Each Ph.D. candidate shall be required to complete a subject specific course. The syllabus of this course will be designed by the supervisor as per the concern research field. At the end of the course work of one semester each candidate shall be examined in the month of Nov. /Dec. and May/June every year in the above three courses. A candidate who has put in a minimum of 75% attendance during the course work will be admitted to the examination which follows the course work where minimum 180 study hours or 15days of full attendance is mandatory.
The following shall be the examination scheme:
S. No. | Course Name | Credits | Exam Hours |
1 | Research Methodology (including Quantitative techniques) | 4 | 3 Hours |
2 | Computer Applications | 4 | 3 Hours |
3 | Specialization Course (Subject Specific) | 4 | 3 Hours |
Total | 12 |
Following are the guidelines for registration in Ph.D. programme:
- The Research Advisory committee (RAC) after finalization of the topic will put the case to concern DRC for presentation and approval of Synopsis within one year of enrolment.
- For the registration, the candidate shall be required to present and defend a synopsis of his/her proposed research work before the DRC who may either approve or may ask the candidate to resubmit the synopsis based on the suggestions/modifications made by it. The DRC may allow not more than three attempts to a candidate for defending the synopsis of the proposed research work after that it may recommend for cancellation of admission of the candidate for Ph.D. program.
- Upon approval of the synopsis by the DRC, the application for registration shall be placed before the Vice Chancellor who, after being satisfied with the candidate’s requisite qualification and the subject offered can be well pursued for the Ph.D. programme, may permit the candidate to get himself registered as a candidate for Ph.D. programme by fulfilling conditions, if any, prescribed by the university for registration and to undertake research work and produce a draft thesis within the stipulated time limit.
- At the time of registration the candidate will submit photocopies of his following documents to the office of Dean Research:
- Mark-sheet/ Certificate of X/XII
- Mark-sheet/ Certificate of PG/ M.Phil.
- TC from the last Institute attended
- Migration Certificate from the concerned University.
Cancellation of Registration : The Dean Research may, on the recommendation of the Concern DRC, cancel the registration of a Ph.D. candidate on any one or more grounds of the following; namely, if-
- two consecutive progress reports of the candidate are not satisfactory;
- a student abstains from the programme for a continuous period of four weeks without prior information in writing to his supervisor;
- the candidate fails to submit the thesis within the maximum period permitted;
- the candidate resigns from the Ph.D. programme and his supervisor(s) recommend(s) cancellation of registration;
- The candidate is found involved in an act of misconduct and/or indiscipline and the competent authority recommends his termination from the programme.
Appointment of Supervisors
The following persons shall be eligible to act as Research Supervisors:-
- Any regular Professor of the University with at least five research publications in refereed journals.
- Any regular Associate/Assistant Professor of the university with a Ph.D. degree and at least two research publications in refereed journals may be recognized as Research Supervisor.
Note: Provided that in areas/disciplines where there is no or only a limited number of refereed journals. The Vice Chancellor may relax the above condition for the recognition of a person as a Research Supervisor with the reason recorded in writing. - Co-Supervisor can be allowed in inter-disciplinary areas from outside the
Department/ Faculty/ School/ University with the written approval of the Research Advisory Committee. Co supervisor can be allowed in interdisciplinary areas from the Department/ School / Faculty also, with the written approval of Research Advisory Committee. - The allocation of Research Supervisor for a selected research scholar shall be decided by the Department concerned depending on the number of scholars per Research Supervisor, the available specialization among the Supervisors and research interests of the scholars as indicated by them at the time of interview/viva voce.
- A Research Supervisor/Co-supervisor who is a Professor, at any given point of time, cannot guide more than Eight (8) Ph.D. scholars. An Associate Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to a maximum of six (6) Ph.D. scholars and an Assistant Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to a maximum of four (4) Ph.D. scholars. Load may be counted as half in case of Co-Supervisor.
- No Supervisor shall guide any of his close relatives as specified by the university.
The University may permit, on the recommendation of DRC approved by the Research Board, appointment of a caretaker supervisor in special circumstances such as a supervisor proceeding on long leave of six months or more and the like.
A new supervisor may be appointed by the Research Board on the recommendation of DRC in the event of death, or prolonged illness of the supervisor or if inability to guide is expressed by the supervisor on or after his superannuation or resignation from the services of the University.
Any request for change of Supervisor(s) is highly discouraged and may only be considered under exceptional circumstances only within 18th Month of first registration.
The request for change of Supervisor(s) may be submitted to Dean-Research through concern DRC Convener with his/her recommendations on the basis of statements of concerned Supervisor(s) as well as Research Scholar.
Conversion of Candidature
The University may, on the application of a part-time candidate, register him as a full-time candidate or allow a full-time candidate to be registered as a part-time candidate for the Ph.D. programme provided all other conditions for such candidature are fulfilled to the satisfaction of the RAC.
Progress Report
Till the submission of the thesis each candidate registered for the Ph.D program shall submit periodically six monthly progress report in the prescribed format to the Supervisor(s)/RAC. The candidate shall be registered in the next semester only if the progress report for the previous semester has been received.
The RAC shall evaluate the progress report of the Ph. D. candidate and submit the report to the President through Dean-Research with a copy to the concerned candidate.
If the candidate does not submit his/her progress report in particular semester then his/her minimum period for the award of degree shall be extended by six month.
Change of Research Topic
A candidate ordinarily shall not be permitted to change his research topic during the course of the research work once it has been approved by the RAC. However, if an occasion arises due to technical difficulties, the VC may, on the recommendation of the DRC and the Research Board, permit any modification of the topic within a period of one year (and not thereafter) from the date of registration. The University may permit the candidate to submit his thesis after two years of such modification or change of topic.
Submission of Thesis
1. Candidates shall not be allowed to submit the thesis produced by him for its evaluation unless he has:
- published at least two research papers in refereed journals mentioning the name of University of Technology, Jaipur before the submission of the thesis and produces evidence for the same in the form of acceptance letter or the reprint. Paper publication should be in the name of candidate and Research Supervisor only. First author must be the Candidate.
- a pre-Ph.D. presentation made before the DRC of his research work which would be attended by the teachers and research candidates.
- a certificate duly signed by the supervisor stating the suggestions (if any) given by the DRC have been incorporated in the draft thesis.
- Submitted one soft copy of the thesis to the Office of Dean Research for plagiarism check. The acceptable limit of plagiarism is 20%.
- The plagiarism due to self (scholar’s own published work out of the dissertation) publications could be deducted from total plagiarism 15%.
The thesis shall have an undertaking from the research scholar and a certificate from the Research Supervisor attesting the originality of the work, vouching that there is no plagiarism and that the work has not been submitted for the award of any other degree of the same institute where work was carried out, or to any other institution.
The thesis shall be in English or as per the recommendation by the Research Advisory Committee and duly approved by the Concern DRC.
The candidates shall also submit the following documents together with thesis: (a) A ‘no dues’ certificate duly signed by the Head of the Department, Library, Finance
Department, Hostel Warden, and Sports Officer, shall be submitted along with the thesis. (b) The thesis submission fees receipt.
Appointment of Examiners
- The supervisor shall prepare and suggest to the Vice Chancellor, before three months of the likely date of submission of the thesis by the student together with summery of thesis and, a panel of four evaluators from outside the University not below the rank of Associate Professor or equivalent position in State/Central University/National Laboratories/ Research Centres established by ICAR/ICMR/CSIR etc. The panel shall also include not less than two names of experts from outside the state. If necessary, the VC may call for additional name(s) for the panel from the supervisor. The panel submitted should include relevant information of the evaluator like designation, field of expertise, full postal and e-mail addresses, basic and cell phone number. The supervisor shall give a certificate to the effect that the names suggested in the panel are not close relatives either of the supervisor himself or of the candidate and they are experts in the area of thesis.
- The VC shall appoint two external examiners, from the panel of four examiners submitted by the supervisor, out of which one shall be from outside the state or even the country from out of the panel submitted as (1) above.
- The university shall obtain the consent of the examiners so appointed by the VC by sending the offer letters together with summery of the thesis.
Evaluation of Thesis
- The University shall, after obtaining the consent of the examiners appointed by the VC out of the panel submitted by the supervisor, dispatch a copy of the thesis produced and submitted by the candidate to each one of them to send their evaluation report (in triplet) to the Dean Research within a period of two months of the receipt of the thesis.
- If no consent is received from the examiner within a month, a new examiner shall be appointed by the VC out of the panel.
- The examiner shall be required to send his/her report on the prescribed form clearly stating that the:
- Thesis is recommended for the awarded for the degree of the Ph.D. or
- Thesis is recommended for the awarded for the degree of the Ph.D. subjected to the candidate giving satisfactory answers to queries or
- Candidate be required to submit his thesis in the revised form or
- Thesis is rejected.
The Research Board shall;
- accept the recommendation of the examiners if all the two examiners recommend the acceptance of the thesis
- reject the thesis if both examiners recommends rejection of the thesis
- appoint a new examiner for evaluation if one of the two examiners recommends rejection of the thesis
Viva Voce Examination
The VC shall, on receipt of satisfactory evaluation reports from the examiners, appoint
- An external examiner from out of the two external examiners who evaluated the thesis for conducting the viva-voce examination. However, if both the examiners are not available, the VC may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, appoint a new examiner from out of the existing panel; and
- a viva-voce committee consisting of the supervisor and external examiner.
The supervisor shall fix a suitable date for the viva-voce examination with the external examiner. The Dean Research shall, on the request of the Supervisor, notify the day, time, and place at least ten days in advance to all concerned.
The Dean Research shall be responsible for the proper conduct of the viva-voce examination.
At such viva-voce examination the candidate shall be required to openly defend his research work in presence of both the examiners, teachers, research candidates of the University who may be invited to witness and make queries, if any, strictly relating and relevant to the topic of research. The Research department shall obtain signature of all the officers present at the time of viva-voce examination.
The viva-voce examiners shall, at the very outset of the examination, will be informed about the comments and recommendations made by the examiners.
The Viva-Voce committee shall submit a comprehensive report on the performance of the candidate on the viva-voce examination and recommend that:
- the degree of Ph.D. be awarded; or
- the candidate be re-examined at a second viva-voce to be conducted not before three months but not later than six months; or
- The degree be not awarded and the thesis be rejected.
Award of Ph.D. Degree
The reports of the examiners (including those of the Viva-Voce committee) shall be placed before the VC for acceptance or rejection, as the case may be, of the thesis on behalf of the Board. The VC shall report the same to the Board through Academic Council for confirmation.
Submission of Soft Copy of Thesis
The University shall, within a period of thirty days, after the successful completion of the evaluation process and notification of the award of Ph.D. degree to a candidate, submit a soft copy of the approved Ph.D. thesis to the UGC for hoisting the same in INFLIBNET etc., to make the research work accessible to other Universities/institutions. The candidate will have to submit a soft copy of the thesis in pdf file format within a week of the announcement of the award of the Ph.D. degree. The soft copy submitted will be other than the soft copy submitted for plagiarism check. The soft copy shall cover the following in pdf file format in the following order:
- Title Cover
- Various Certificates
- List of Contents
- List of tables
- List of figures
- Acknowledgement
- Chapter I,II……………. etc
- Appendix
- References
- List of Publications
Provisional Certificate
Till the time the Ph.D. degree is conferred on the candidate, the University shall, on the application of the student, issue to him a Provisional Certificate for its intended use.
The University shall ensure that both, the Provisional Certificate and the Ph.D. degree, contains an express statement to the effect that the Degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) regulations, 2016.
Depository with INFILIBNET
On the successful completion of the evaluation process and before the announcement of the award of the Ph D degree, the university shall submit an electronic copy of the degree to INFILIBNET, for hosting the same to make it accessible to all institutions.
Publication of the Thesis
No thesis shall be published without prior permission of the university. The research scholar may apply to the university for permission to publish the thesis.
Documents to be Submitted
- 6 Passport Size Photographs.
- Filled Application Form.
- Attested copy of Matriculation Mark sheet (10th)
- Attested copy of Senior Secondary Mark sheet (12th) • Attested copies of all Mark sheets of Graduation
- Attested copies of all Mark sheets of Post Graduation
- Migration Certificate (Original) / Caste Certificate (For Relaxation in reserved category)
- No Objection Certificate (In the case of Candidate working in any organization)