Guidelines for filling Online Application Form:
Aspiring candidates shall secure their admission if the program’s academic eligibility criteriaisfulfilled by the candidate.
Candidate has to attach address for correspondence and ID Proof along with prescribed admission form.
Rejection of Application form
The application for admission may be rejected due to any one of the following reasons:
- Candidate does not fulfill the academic eligibility conditions.
- Prescribed fee is not paid as per the fee schedule.
- The application form is not signed by the candidate and his / her parent guardian, whichever is required.
Registration Number:
Registration/Enrolment number will be given to the student by the University after verifying of all necessary documents provided by the candidate.
Identity Card:
Students will be issued an Identity Card online along with Registration/Enrolment number by the University.
Delivery of Study Material
- The printed study material will be mailed by the Study Centres or students can collect it from the CIIS.
- Online study material can be obtained from eLibrary section.
- CIIS will provide course material in English only.
Contact Programme or face to face guidance
On weekends if student require regular/contact/face-to-faceclassroom session at the Study Centres/Colleges, then by paying prescribed tuition fee student can avail this facility also.
University Examinations
University will conduct examination at the end of each term.
Examination Forms :
Students will fill their examination forms and submit at the concerned study centresalong with the Examination fees. Also online examination form is available on university website.
Examination Centre :
The University will conduct the examinations at suitable locations depending upon the number of students.
Date of Examination :
The Examination centre and schedule will be notified by the University & will be communicated to study centre. It will also be placed on university website.
Medium of Answer:
The medium of answer in the term end examination shall be in English/ Vernacular medium.
Exam Hall Ticket :
- Student will get Hall Ticket fifteen days before the examination and shall be dispatched to the respective examination centers by the University.
- Also student can avail the hall ticket online from the university website.
Change of Address :
All communications will be sent to the students at the address given in the application form. If any changes is required in address, student will be charged Rs. 500.00 as correction fee.
Dispute / Legal Jurisdiction :
Any dispute arising in any matter including admission, lesson, contact programme, examination, fees or any other disputes, will be subjected to JURISDICTION OF MUMBAI COURT only.
Maintenance of Discipline
It is expected from all the students admitted in different Programmes of the University that they should not involve themselves with any malicious activity in the premises in the areas of their studycentre. If such complaints are found to be true against any student, the matter will be dealt seriously for severe disciplinary action. The action may be upto suspension from the Programme. The decision of the Study Centre Co-ordinator shall final in all matters.
Communication of Information
All necessary steps are being taken by the University to intimate the students about essential information. However, the students are advised to keep in regular contact with their respective co-ordinatorfor all information. The CIIS will not be responsible for any lack of communication.
Fees once paid shall neither be refunded nor adjusted towards any other payment
The candidates are advised to pay any fees in the form of cash/cheque/DD in the favor of CIIS.