We are in the 21st century, and with each passing decade, we have witnessed a tremendous change in the education system. The internet has changed the way the world functions, including modes of learning as well.

Distance education is the latest buzzword in today’s fast-paced world as it enables individuals to develop professional skills and competencies while continuing to work Distance learning allows students to complete their education or earn degrees by attending online lectures and doing self-study. Today distance learning has brought learning into our homes and it is available at our fingertips with just a click of a mouse.

What is distance education?

Distance education popularly known as distance learning is an educational experience where the students are not required to be physically present at the place of teaching (college and universities).

Earlier distance education involved correspondence courses where the students completed their degree or course by corresponding with the school or college through the mail. With the changing times distance education today is more about online education and online learning experiences.

Distance education is favourable for college students or working professionals who are not able to attend college or attend regular classes but wish to pursue their further studies or complete their higher education.

Distance education is ideal for students from economically weak backgrounds, working professionals and housewives who can acquire the required skills and education qualifications at a much lower cost than traditional education programs.

With the growing focus on distance education, the big question that comes to mind is distance education equal to regular education? Is distance education valid and does it have value while searching for jobs?

The answer is yes. Distance education is no less than the traditional education system, mainly because it offers:

  • Personal growth
  • Development of skills
  • Ability to pursue course while working
  • Prospects to earn a better package
  • Growth opportunities in career

There are several advantages in pursuing a degree through distance learning programs. It helps the candidate to progress in their chosen career and at the same time save on the expenses of commuting to a college or university, staying in a hostel and food. The flexibility and affordability provided by distance education are perfect for students.

There are no age limits for admission to courses through distance education, hence adult learners who wish to pursue higher education need not worry about sitting alongside younger students in physical classrooms. They can study from the comfort of their homes without worrying about any distractions or awkwardness.

Is a Distance education degree equal to a degree earned through regular education? 

The University Grants Commission Act, 1956 of India introduced the Open University under Section 2 (f). Section 22 (1) of the UGC Act, 1956 allows open universities to award degrees to their students.

In India, all colleges and universities are required to have UGC approval for all their courses and education programs. Similarly, colleges and universities offering online diplomas and degrees through distance learning are required to take the approval of the Distance Education Council under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development for awarding degrees, diplomas or certificates to their distance learning students.

In 2012, the Distance Education Council and UGC were merged and UGC’s Distance Education Bureau was created. This Bureau was responsible for approving and managing distance learning courses. No university is permitted to offer any distance learning courses or degrees without the approval of the Bureau of Distance Education.

As per a guideline, UGC / DEB / 2013, dated 14/10/2013, any degree obtained from an open or distance learning institution will be equivalent to a traditional university or educational institution.

To strengthen the education system and so that more and more individuals can pursue higher education, The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established under the Act of Parliament in 1985.

Presently, there are 8 regional centres of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) located across the country. Moreover, the Distance Education Bureau has the approval of 212 universities.

Enrol for best distance education courses through CIIS

CIIS is one of the leading organizations in India that offers several international and traditional educational courses through Distance Education in India. Over the years, thousands of college students and working professionals in India have completed their education through various distance education courses offered by CIIS.

All the courses and programs offered are from Universities that are approved by UGC, AICTE and the Ministry of HRD Govt. of India.

CIIS is one of the best distance education institutes imparting distance and formal education in the fields of Engineering & Technology, Science, Teaching, Arts & Humanities and Research. CIIS is affiliated with some of the best Universities and Institutions across the globe.

All the educational institutions that CIIS is affiliated with are recognized by UGC, AICTE, DEB, AIU, MPSC, Ministry of Human Resource Development and Councils, hence all the candidates that complete their academic courses from CIIS are knowledgeable and completely job-ready. They are assured of a quality placement in the public as well as the private sector.