Do you want to study but do not have the required financial means or time to attend full-time courses or regular college? Do not worry if you don’t have the required time or finances to complete your education, pursuing a part-time course or distance learning courses can be the ideal option for you. Part-time and distance learning courses will offer you more time and flexibility but still let you complete your studies and earn a degree.
If you wish to pursue a career of your dreams it is important to choose the right field of education and the right mode of learning. There are many reasons why someone may choose to study part-time, including time constraints or financial reasons. If you can’t find a program that fits your needs at a traditional university or college, there are many options for obtaining a qualification through distance learning courses.
Both part-time study and distance learning offer a great deal of flexibility, making it easy to fit studying around other commitments. There are many ways to study, and you don’t have to leave your job to do so. In fact, many people earn their qualifications by studying from home while managing their working hours.
Is part-time and distance education same?
Part-time and distance education are not the same. Though they both offer flexibility in studies and are cost-effective, they are different and each has its own purpose.
What is it to study part-time?
- Part-time courses are preferred by people who have a full-time job and cannot attend regular courses in college or institutes. To study part-time means one can attend classes after their working hours or on weekends. Full-time studies in colleges generally are from 8am o 5pm. Part-time classes are scheduled in evenings, enabling people with full-time jobs to attend class after their working hours.
- Part-time studies are either classroom based or through distance learning. Classroom-based part-time courses typically require you to attend classes, which are usually held during the evenings or over weekends.
- Part-time courses through distance learning allows the student to study in their free time, their other commitments.
- Part-time study allows students to devote more time to their studies, without feeling rushed or having to commit to a full-time course. This type of study is often more flexible with regard to the amount of time that can be spent studying, and fees may also be lower.
Similar to full-time courses, part-time students also need to attend lectures, submit assignments, and write exams. The only difference is that their course is spread out over a longer duration with a more flexible schedule.
For example, instead of enrolling for a 3-year full-time Bachelor degree, part-time courses allow the students to complete the same degree over a period of 4 to 5 years. This gives them more time to focus on their daily commitments and priorities. It also provides them more time to finance your studies.
What do you mean by Distance-learning?
Distance learning is a method of studying that allows students to learn in their own time, without having to attend lectures and classes. This option offers more flexibility than with part-time studies.
In distance learning, students receive their study materials online or through post. They need to submit their assignments online. They have to visit the institute only while appearing for their exams.
Unlike part-time studies, students don’t have to attend classes in evenings or weekends. They can study from the comfort of their homes whenever they have time.
Distance learning does not mean Part-time but Part-time learning can be Distance learning
The biggest misconception about distance learning is that it is studying on a part-time basis. Part-time studying means one needs to attend classes as per the schedule either in the evenings or at weekends. However, with distance learning one is not required to classes. The study hours are flexible and one can study from anywhere, anytime. There are some part-times courses which are offered through distance learning.