If someone is working in their profession and want to upgrade themselves academically and are not able to attain any classes not even examination at examination centre.
Exclusively for these applicants and for the few of our programmes like teaching, engineering, management etc.,. We are offering evolutionary examination pattern, which is called ‘Self Evaluation Project Based Examination’.
In this examination pattern university will give project topics with respective paper/subject according to syllabus/curriculum and students has to prepare the project as per the given guidelines along with Self Assessment, Teacher Assessment and Industry Assessment forms.
- Self Assessment
- Teacher Assessment
- Industry Assessment forms
- Each project should be of Maximum 30 & Minimum 20 A4 size pages (One Sided Printing)
- Font size used in softcopy of each project should be 12-14.
- Hardcopy of each project should be in printed form and spiral binded.
- Softcopy of projects has to be uploaded in respective student login in assessment section
- Hardcopy of each project has to be submitted at CIIS.