Message given by Director

Cognitive Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies CIIS is now very popular name in distance education and literature research & publication. Since last couple of years, our organization is stepping towards tremendous growth in the sector of Distance Education in Mumbai as well as in India with the help of our hardworking associates in all the ways. It is to be seen to be believed. With excellent facilities to our students, ours is premier institution is running Engineering, Traditional, Professional, Para Medical, Information Technology and Research programs. I firmly believe that with the above steps we are actively contributing to India’s relentless journey ahead. At the same time we remember the welfare of the weaker section of the society. It also aims at creating performers, winners, achievers and leaders. Students are exposed to information, knowledge, and an environment which is congenial to the growth and all-round development of personality. At the end of their tenure, students step out as responsible citizens of an incredible India.

Here opportunity are immense, one who knows how to make use of it, always succeeds.