Guidelines for filling Online Application Form:

  • Before you proceed to register yourself for admission you must ensure that you have read and understood the eligibility criteria for each discipline / programme of study for which you intend to take the admission.
  • Fill your correct basic and academic details like Name, DOB, Address, Contact No. (according to Matriculation Certificate) and Discipline / programme of study.
  • Before final submission of online Application form, read the declaration carefully and give your consent on it. You are required to upload a recently taken scanned photograph in JPG format. The digital size of the photo file must be less than 50 KB, failing which you will not be able to complete your application. So you must check your information details carefully before final submission of your application form.

Accepted Payment Mode : Bank Challan/Credit Cards/Debit Cards/Net Banking

The applicants desirous of taking admission to any programme of CIIS can avail the opportunity of online admission through under mentioned mode.

Net Banking/Credit Cards/Debit Cards

The applicant can apply for admission to various programmes of CIIS given on website through online by making payments of programme fee by selecting payment mode as credit cards/Debit Cards/Net Banking. After submitting the online admission form and successfully making payments by payment gateway, applicant is required to take a print out of this application form which will have auto generated enrollment number and student log in information (User ID and Password). In case of registration only, you may take a printout of your payment receipt for further reference, your admission form/User Id-Password will be issue to you after entrance/counseling.

Credit Cards/Debit Cards

Applicants having no net banking/credit card/debit card can also avail the facility of online admission by depositing programme fee in cash along with bank charges of Rs. 20/- at any Branch of the HDFC Bank. If the student opts for payment through challan, the student has to initially fill all the particulars in the online admission application form and submit. System will generate an automatic challan form along with student ID. The student should take a printout of the challan form. On payment of the cash at the bank counter, the said banks will retain one copy of the challan and return back two copies to the student after filling the journal/transaction number. After successful verification, your enrollment number will be automatically generated at your Log in ID.

  • Note: After submitting admission form with bank challan mode, student have to email scanned copy of bank challan and academic documents after depositing fee in bank to


I solemnly declare and confirm that I am duly qualified to take admission in the course for which I have applied and all the certificates and testimonials attached with my application are true and valid. I have fully satisfied myself about the legal status of the CIIS i.e. it is an autonomous statutory body associated with recognized Universities with regulations making power for functioning and the University is duly authorized and competent to take my admission in the course for which I have applied and also to award the degree / diploma as per rules and regulation of the University. I also undertake not to ever raise any objection about Universities legal status to take my admission and award degrees on qualifying prescribed examinations. I also undertake not to demand refund of fee/charges paid by me. In case of any dispute/differences/claim of any value settlement by University arbitration clause shall be applicable. I shall always follow the rules and regulations of the University and in case of any breach thereto, I shall be liable to be penalized for the same which may include expulsion from the University.