Program Overview
At CIIS Research Centre, we offer unmatched full range services for PhD Thesis, Synopsis and Journal paper publication. Starting from Topics and Proposal Consultation, Assistance for finalising structure of Thesis, Editing and Statistics, at CIIS Research Centre, you can avail guidance at all stages of your PhD/M.Tech Thesis and National & International Journal Publication.
The following services are dedicated to the Research Scholars of the multidisciplinary subjects.
We have a team of technical, non-technical and management subjects experts who are well versed in writing and publishing the research papers in IEEE, SCOPUS, SCI and SPRINGER.
We are providing a prominent assistance work including the making of the research papers and its publication in the prestigious International journals such as IEEE, SCOPUS, PRINGER, SCI and other top journals across the world for the specific branches like Civil, Mechanical, E&T, CS, Electrical, Management etc.
International & National Journal Publication
PhD course in India has evolved over the years and how a mandatory requirement from all Universities is to have a minimum of two journal paper publications. Our Journal Publication assistance team helps you to identify the best suited journals with high on Impact Factor, submit manuscript there and follow-up on the progress of publication.
- UGC Approved Journal
- Online and Print Journal Publication
- Review and Acceptance
- Hard Copy of the Certificate
- For Multidisciplinary Streams
Thesis / Book Publication
Multidisciplinary International & National Journal Publication of Leading Publishers is inviting Research Papers, Articles or Theory, Thesis/Book from the researchers, research scholars or candidate of any field or subject of Art Commerce Science, IT Management Social Science, Human Science, Medical Science, Law, Physical Education, Journalism & Mass Communication, Literature, Sanskrit, Hindi, Robotic, Architecture, and Agriculture etc. to get published.
Academic / Technical Book Writing
- Academic/Technical/Fiction/Novel/Story and Educational Book Writing Assistance
- Book Publication with ISBN
- Cover Design
- Online Publication
Ph.D / M.Tech. Thesis Writing Services
Our research team with well-experienced experts provide assistance for thesis writing, based on the latest technological advancement in various research fields. Our expertise writers practice various techniques to stimulate their skills and comprehend the broader significance of a topic, to arrive at a final thesis statement and prominent significance.
The numerous challenges in the research process often make way for delays in the submission of your PhD Thesis. Whilst the complex sections are time taking and must be written within the stipulated time so as to create space for proofreading and review activities. Our PhD thesis writing service evidently ensures to prepare high quality research document in stipulated time. We have experienced PhD writers who instill their expertise and thorough domain knowledge to draft your thesis document. Their precise guidance will clear your doubts and queries regarding every step of thesis preparation and will lead your way to a flawless document.
There are varied guidelines defined by different institutes and universities such as writing and citation styles, formatting guidelines, nature and scope of thesis and other such rules. You can consult our experts even if you are at the preliminary stage, i.e. topic selection. Our thesis writing service entails idea generation support which pertains to suggesting a topic, relevant to your field of interest. The further steps and various sections of a thesis are:
- Introduction: The first chapter for the thesis will be the introduction, which tells about the aim of research and the problem you wish to solve through the research. Here you must give an idea about the methodology you followed and the analytical tools used. The probable challenges must also be identified at this stage.
- Literature Review: Selection of literature that you will use for thesis writing will be the next step in PhD thesis writing. The prior study in the field can either support your theory, or oppose it. You must state in the literature review the relation of the references you choose with the topic of your research. This chapter will also have the research questions stated in depth and the method by which you aim to solve them.
- Methodology and Research Design: The research methodology chapter will come next, where you will need to choose the sample group and methods for data collection, the tools for analysis and modules to be constructed. Preparing a design that is strong yet flexible ensures that your research work is able to skip hassles.
- Data Analysis: The data analysis chapter is where most scholars get stuck and ask us for help. Even a minor mistake in the analysis can lead to wrong results, so you have to be extremely cautious about the tests you apply and the validity of data you use.
- Results and Discussion: Once the analysis is done, you need to formulate and interpret the results. In the discussion chapter, you must explain the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the research results, and discuss scope for further research.
As part of PhD thesis writing services, CIIS Research Team is committed to ensuring quality of work and satisfaction for its clients. We offer free revisions for up to 30 days, plagiarism removal in case of match percentage exceeding 20 and direct consult through mail.
We provide complete assistance for PhD thesis writing and even offer the flexibility to opt for chapter wise writing support. You just need to send us the completed proposal and data bank, and we will contact you to discuss the project. We will assign the most suitable writer and deliver your thesis on time.
Our PhD thesis writing service includes continuous interaction with research consultants and mentoring through one to one sessions.
Research Paper/Article Writing Assistance
As per the requirements of the research scholars, we offer complete guidance for development of paper/article writing assistance relevant to various domains. Right from the selection of the research topic to the development phase, our innovators will guide you all the way to complete and defend your research successfully.
Academic journals follow strict standards for publication; probably because they serve as a platform for budding authors to get recognition for their research work. The probability of facing rejection in the first attempt is rather high, especially when you are targeting an SCI indexed, Impact Factor journal. The other possibility is receiving a long list of modifications with an indication of “getting accepted with changes”. If you get through journal editors and peer reviewers in the first attempt, you deserve a big round of applause!
Our team of expert writers and editors can help you make a mark in the academic fraternity by helping you through the paper publishing process. Whether it’s an IEEE Conference presentation or manuscript publication to an International High Impact Factor Journal, we have a resourceful team of consultants, who can assist you throughout the process. Our service for journal papers includes the following:
- Searching for the most appropriate journal
- Appropriate journal selection
- Writing cover letters for submission
- Assistance with graphical presentation and artwork
Journal Paper Publication Process
If you have ever tried to get a research paper or article published in an international Scopus or ISI indexed journal, you would be familiar with the rigorous evaluation process that is followed. Here is an insight to the list of steps:
- Submission of paper: There are 2 points to keep in mind. First, proofread, format and edit your paper before submission. Second, submit your paper along with a well drafted cover letter. Remember to guideline issued by the target journal.
- Review by editors: The editorial board of the publication will go through your paper. However, this review will be brief and most probably just the abstract and bibliography will be read. If found interesting, your paper will be forwarded to the next level.
- Peer review: The initial screening by the editors will be followed by a thorough scan by peer reviewers. They ascertain the value of the paper in terms of authenticity of content, language, presentation and originality of thought. They advise the editors on the suitability of a paper for publication in the concerned journal and provide suggestions for improvement in the paper.
- Review comments: Once the peer review has been done, the editors send back the paper with final comments, which may be positive or negative. They may suggest some modifications in the paper and agree to publish it with changes. Or they may refer some other journal in case the paper is not appropriate for the target readers of the journal. Outright rejection is the worst case scenario.
- Revision and resubmission: The review comments provided by the editors and reviewers need to be adequately addressed before the paper is sent for resubmission. It is advisable at this stage to consult experienced authors and academicians for their valuable inputs.
We, at CIIS Research Centre, offer assistance right from writing the paper to making modifications and resubmissions. Our team will stand by you and make sure that you successfully get published in a reputed journal. Send us your requests and get published without delay.